Quranic School Student Drowns In Kano Pond


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Yusuf Magaji, a student of a Qur’anic school, has been confirmed dead after he drowned in a pond at Makugara village in Karaye Local Government Area of Kano State on Thursday.

The spokesman of the Kano State Fire Service, Saminu Abdullahi, confirmed the accident in a statement issued in Kano on Friday.

Abdullahi explained that Yusuf and some others were on their way to a neighbouring village but stopped by the pond to clean their bodies when he slipped inside and could not come out.

“We received an emergency call and we sent our rescue team to the scene but Yusuf was brought out of the pond unconscious.

“Our men conveyed him to Karaye Specialist Hospital when a doctor confirmed him dead,’’ Abdullahi stated.

He said the corpse of the 13-year-old was handed over to Malam Nafi’u Na-Adama, proprietor of the Qur’anic school.


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