Teddy A Reveals What Can Make Him Act N*ked In A Movie

Teddy A
Teddy A is, without any doubt, a ladies’ man going by most of the comments on his Instagram page.
In fact, a few ladies have admitted that they drool over his body. However, in a chat with Saturday Beat, it seems the dream of those who have fantasied over this hunk could come true if the price is right.
In a chat with Saturday Beat, the singer turned actor mentioned that he would not shy away from a n*de scene in a movie but only if the price is right.
When asked if he could act n*de in a movie, he simply said, “How much are they paying me? There have to be criteria. There has to be money on the ground. You do not need to worry about the money involved, bring the script.”
The ladies’ man also spoke about how he had been coping with his teeming female fans.
Teddy A said, “The way I cope with my female fans is by just seeing them as fans and that is the only way you can do it. You never really let fame get into your head because the same people that are talking about me now, were not talking this way about four years ago.

“So, I don’t see fame as anything; I see it as grace. You can be the finest guy or girl and not have any comment because people do not care about what you put in the social media. The fact that they reckon with me gives me joy and I owe everything to God and I am thankful.”
The reality television show star, who told Saturday Beat that he was raised by a single mother, explained how his relationship with his mother had affected his life.
“Every man is a mummy’s boy. I was raised by a single mother and I am very close to her. I feel that any man who is close to his mother knows how to treat a woman.

“Being raised by a single mother has helped me appreciate women more. Before I was reckless with women but as time went on, I realised it was not what I wanted to do because it didn’t really work for me.

“People have seen the way I treated Bam Bam in the house and that is me when I am interested in a woman. However, I have no resentment towards my father. Whatever issues you have with your dad should not be because of your mother,” he said.

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