I Am Stanning Only One Lady — Maria Chike Shows Support For Mercy Eke


Maria Chike and Mercy Eke

BBNaija housemate, Maria Benjamin has thrown her weight behind Mercy Eke, who is a housemate on the All-Stars show.

In a tweet and an Instagram post, Maria made it clear that she is standing solidly behind Mercy and believes she will emerge victorious in the competition.

Maria praised Mercy’s undeniable talents and charisma, declaring her the winner in her eyes.

“Only stanning one lady! The winner obviously. I trust her dress to be a Killa
”, she tweeted.


On her Instagram page, Maria excitedly welcomed Mercy back to the Big Brother house, proclaiming her as the “Queen of entertainment.”

She wrote;

“She’s back!! Queen of entertainment is back. Let’s go”.

See below;


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