Sad Moment Bride Walked Out From Her Wedding After Apologizing To Her Father (Video)

A bride has been spotted walking out from her wedding ceremony after kneeling to apologise to her father.

In the trending video, the disgruntled bride who had walked down the aisle with her father, stopped abruptly as she turned to talk to her father.

After what seemed like a while, the bride went on her knees apologising to him.

The bride left many guests in shock as they were surprised, she could do something like this on a day that was meant to be the most happiest day of her life.

Sadly, no one knew what might have prompted her to walk away from her wedding ceremony. The groom, family, and loved ones were pictured to be in shock.

Blogger Tunde Ednut who shared the video wrote; “Meanwhile, at a wedding yesterday. Don’t know what happened really, but the bride apologized to her Dad and said she can’t go on with the wedding. This is sad.”

See video below;

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